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Alumni Program

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If you’re looking for a rehab program to get the results you need to build a better life, you’ve come to the right place.

a group of people hug in an Alumni ProgramRehab alumni programs are an integral part of your successful sobriety post-discharge. They help you continue with your recovery by providing sober social opportunities, encouragement, peer support, and the opportunity to utilize a network of others who are on the same journey that you are and share common experiences. Sanative Recovery and Wellness is a Georgia addiction treatment program that follows best practices, including offering an alumni program. 

To learn about how our alumni program in Atlanta, GA, meets the myriad needs of our clients once they have completed addiction treatment, reach out today. We can answer your questions and provide you with a thorough understanding of how addiction treatment, evidence-based therapies, and a rehab alumni program can serve you. Call us at 877.899.1502 to connect. 

Addiction Is a Chronic Disease 

Addiction can be managed but not cured. Unfortunately, it is a disease that will stay with you for life. Because we understand how addiction works, we provide a robust alumni program to help you stay the course and help you avoid relapse. 

It is essential to understand that relapse is not failure. If you do experience relapse, it is a temporary pothole on the recovery road. During rehab, you learn skills to avoid relapse, and in therapy, work toward understanding your own triggers and underlying risk factors. Understanding your addiction, positive habits, and self-compassion increases your chances of maintaining sobriety once you leave rehab.  

Solid peer support is one of the most essential things that helps you stay the course. In a rehab alumni program, it is vital to have access to an ever-expanding group of fellow alums who are there for one another. 

How a Rehab Alumni Program Helps 

Once you and your therapeutic team decide that you are ready to leave your addiction treatment program, you will transition to an alumni program. It will have scheduled events and touchpoints and will help you: 

  • Transition back into society and prepare for the unexpected while continuing to learn and practice life skills and coping mechanisms 
  • Stay connected with staff as well as peers who have also completed treatment 
  • Engage in sober activities, gatherings, and events that help recent and veteran alums stay in contact with one another 
  • Avoid the isolation that is so harmful to those in recovery 
  • Face challenges that arise in your post-discharge life by providing you with support and access to ongoing therapy and staff and peer support 
  • Feel a sense of purpose and be able to give back to others 
  • Be accountable and offer a sense of accountability to others in the alumni program 
  • Know that you belong to something meaningful and lasting  

The benefits of an alumni program are many, and the sense of hope and optimism that is fostered cannot be discounted. You and your fellow alums have a common purpose as you traverse the path to long-term healing and recovery. Together, on that journey, you amplify one another’s success. 

Sanative Recovery and Wellness Alumni Program in Atlanta, GA 

As a culmination of your rehab experience at Sanative Recovery and Wellness, our rehab alumni program offers a chance to gain increased confidence in yourself and your recovery. 

The many evidence-based treatments we offer during addiction treatment are the stepping stones you have used to get to this point—the next leg of your recovery journey. 

Connect with us today to learn more about our rehab offerings as well as the Sanative Recovery and Wellness alumni program. Complete this form or call 877.899.1502 so we can answer your questions. We hope to ease any anxiety or uncertainty about getting started on the life-affirming path to recovery.